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The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

Edward B. Burger

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The simple and familiar hold the secrets of the complex and unknown.”

“In everything you do, refine your skills and knowledge about fundamental concepts and simple cases. Once is never enough. As you revisit fundamentals, you will find new insights. It may appear that returning to basics is a step backward and requires additional time and effort; however, by building on firm foundations you will soon see your true abilities soar higher and faster.”

“If you can’t solve a problem, then there is an easier problem you can’t solve: find it. —George Polya When”

“Fail nine times The next time you face a daunting challenge, think to yourself, “In order for me to resolve this issue, I will have to fail nine times, but on the tenth attempt, I will be successful.” This attitude frees you and allows you to think creatively without fear of failure, because you understand that learning from failure is a forward step toward success. Take a risk and when you fail, no longer think, “Oh, no, what a frustrating waste of time and effort,” but instead extract a new insight from that misstep and correctly think, “Great: one down, nine to go—I’m making forward progress!” And indeed you are. After your first failure, think, “Terrific, I’m 10% done!” Mistakes, loss, and failure are all flashing lights clearly pointing the way to deeper understanding and creative solutions.”

“mistakes are positive elements of quintessential thinking and failure is an important part of the foundation upon which to build success.”

“Deep work on simple, basic ideas helps to build true virtuosity—not just in music but in everything.”

“As you learn more, the fundamentals become at once simpler but also subtler, deeper, more nuanced, and more meaningful.”

“the path to change is not through greater willpower and harder work, but rather through thinking differently.”

“successful people regularly focus on the core purpose of their profession or life. True experts continually deepen their mastery of the basics. Trumpeting”

“refuse to accept assertions blindly. Challenge everything and everyone—including your teachers. Don’t be intimidated. You are the best authority on what you don’t understand—trust yourself: don’t be afraid to ask the questions you need to ask, and be brave enough to change your thinking when you uncover a blind spot.”

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Book Keywords:

inspiration, answers-and-questions, simple-things

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