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Can You Forgive Her?

Anthony Trollope

Top 10 Best Quotes

“She was as one who, in madness, was resolute to throw herself from a precipice, but to whom some remnant of sanity remained which forced her to seek those who would save her from herself.”

“In this world things are beautiful only because they are not quite seen, or not perfectly understood. Poetry is precious chiefly because it suggests more than it declares.”

“Little bits of things make me do it; — perhaps a word that I said and ought not to have said ten years ago; — the most ordinary little mistakes, even my own past thoughts to myself about the merest trifles. They are always making me shiver.”

“You shall be my pet, and my poppet, and my dearest little duck all the days of your life.”

“My dear, the truth must be spoken. I declare I don't think I ever saw a young woman so improvident as you are. When are you to begin to think about getting married if you don't do it now?" "I shall never begin to think about it, till I buy my wedding clothes.”

“I like to have a plan," said Mr. Palliser. "And so do I," said his wife,--"if only for the sake of not keeping it.”

“Men and women ain't lumps of sugar. They don't melt because the water is sometimes warm.”

“She was not softly delicate in all her ways; but in disposition and temper she was altogether generous. I do not know that she was at all points a lady, but had Fate so willed it she would have been a thorough gentleman.”

“It seems to me that if a man can so train himself that he may live honestly and die fearlessly, he has done about as much as is necessary.”

“He's a very handsome man, is the captain," said Jeaneatte. . . "You shouldn't think about handsome men, child," said Mrs. Greenow. "And I'm sure I don't," said Jeanette. "Not more than anybody else; but if a man is handsome, ma'am, why, it stands to reason that he is handsome.”

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Book Keywords:

doubt, relationship, poetry, beauty, indecision

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